Biodynamic vines
in Lolol
Biodynamic agriculture was first proposed by the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner in a series of lectures for farmers in 1924. This farming system aims to avoid depleting the soil, thereby enabling sustainable agriculture.
It's environmentally
friendly, with an
emphasis on the
production being as
natural as possible.
We decided to try the biodynamic approach at the Hacienda Araucano vineyard because we knew that such a natural method of production was good for the environment, better for consumers, and would ultimately be reflected in the wines!
The Lolol vineyard is our pilot site for the implementation of organic farming techniques that we then export to our other vineyards in the world. The climate is naturally conducive to the application of these techniques since relatively few diseases are encountered in Chile. For example, there is no downy mildew problem, which is the bane of most winegrowers. Also thanks to the climate, there is no phylloxera and vines can be planted directly, without being grafted.
All farms
are considered
to be living,
independent organisms.